W.E.B. Dubois

William Edward Burghardt Dubois was born on February 23,1868 to Mary Silvina and Alfred Dubois in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He graduated from high school early and enrolled at Fisk University. After Dubois received his baccalaureate degree, he accepted a scholarship to the University of Berlin, Germany for two years. After that, he went to Harvard and got his doctoral degree. W.E.B Dubois was the first African American to earn a doctoral degree.

At the age of 26, Dubois was ready to begin a wonderful experience. He accepted a job as a teacher Dubois, as he accepted a special fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania to conduct a project in Philadelphia’s seventh ward slums. Dubois plunged eagerly into his research.

After he completed his project, Dubois accepted a position at Atlanta University to teach sociology.  There,  he studied and wrote about Negro morality, Negroes in business, Negro churches and most of all Negro crime. During this period controversy grew between Dubois and Booker T. Washington, which later turned personal! But all was worked out.

All Dubois wanted was for people to be free, so he wrote about his people in his writing. He died on August 27,1963, the night of the March in Washington D.C..

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