Project Toolkit
Steps in Doing a Class CultureQuest Project

 Evauluating Your CultureQuest
 Step C1.  Evaluating Your Website.
1 Preparation
2 Planning and Pedagogy
3 Develop a Country Profile
4 Introducing the Study of Culture
5 Forming Groups
6 Researching Aspects of Culture
7 Writing up the Research
8 Completing the Project
9 Presenting and Publishing Projects

We have included criteria that you may use or adapt for evaluating your class' website. Prior to publication (posting on the Web), your class website should be reviewed carefully by your students, by you and by at least one other teacher for content and language. If possible, you should attempt to locate an individual who is an "expert" on the culture being studied, who would be willing to review the website for possible misstatements or misunderstandings. You might also invite other children in the school to read the site and make comments and suggestions.